Brad Pitt is fully immersed in Formula One as he films his upcoming movie, titled F1. On Sunday, December 8, 2024, Pitt was spotted on the set of the film during the Abu Dhabi Formula One Grand Prix. Dressed in an all-white racing outfit, the 60-year-old actor was seen celebrating with his co-star Javier Bardem and real-life F1 drivers Charles Leclerc and George Russell. The scene involved plenty of champagne, with Pitt holding a bottle and smiling, while Bardem raised a trophy, and Leclerc and Russell doused the two actors in bubbly. Pitt’s cap, which read “1st,” offered a hint about the celebratory nature of the moment being filmed.
This film, directed by Joseph Kosinski, features Brad Pitt as Sonny Hayes, a former Formula 1 driver who makes a return to the sport, driving for a fictional team named APXGP. Alongside Pitt, Damson Idris plays his teammate, while Bardem portrays Ruben, the owner of the team. Other cast members include Kerry Condon, Tobias Menzies, Sarah Niles, Kim Bodnia, and Samson Kayo. The production team behind the film includes Kosinski, Pitt, Jerry Bruckheimer, Chad Oman, Dede Gardner, and Jeremy Kleiner. Notably, seven-time F1 champion Lewis Hamilton also joins the project as a producer.
The film, which draws on real-life F1 events for its backdrop, continues to incorporate actual Grand Prix races into its filming schedule. This year, the production has utilized major events like the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and the Las Vegas Grand Prix for key scenes. In a move to ensure authenticity, Pitt reportedly trained for four to five months to drive an F1 car, though Bruckheimer kept specifics of his speed under wraps, joking that revealing the information might anger the insurance company.
F1 is set to hit theaters and IMAX on June 27, 2025, with anticipation building for the high-speed action both on and off the track.